If you are a small business owner, you’ve probably considered doing business with other new businessmen to grow your product or business fast. But it’s not easy to doing business with a new client and trust them blindly. You have two options, either doing business with a new one without checking the background and trust them or work smartly and check the credit information report of a new client.
As the number of business frauds increasing day by day in India. Businessmen lose control of the business in the market. They can’t trust the new client because they don’t know about the background. So they need a solution to this issue and now all the businessmen have solutions. What is the Credit Information report and how you can generate CIR is described below in details?
Why you need Credit Information Report of Any Businessmen
Credit Information Report is the only way to find out the credit history of any businessmen, and through CIR you can figure out that the businessmen are Business credit defaulter or genuine business professionals.
Credit Information Report contains all the details and tells you how many businessmen can report a defaulter to your new client. This report will help you keep away from Business Credit Defaulter.
How to Generate Credit Information Report (Mention all the steps of CreditQ)
As Corona affects us so badly from the last 6 months, the same defaulter affecting the businesses for a long time. We still waiting for the Corona Vaccine and have to wait for more, but we found a vaccine for Business credit Defaulters -> CreditQ.
CreditQ is India’s first platform for businessmen that came up with the permanent solution of Business Credit Defaulter.
As now businessmen wants more clarity while doing business with other partner or new businessmen. For more clarity and better understanding before entering into a new business deal with business partners, research and background check is quite an important task. For this CreditQ comes with CIR (Credit Information Report), in this report one businessman can find all the past details of new businessmen. With the help of this report, businessmen can take decisions easily.
How Credit Information helps any businessmen for doing business.
Credit Information Report helps you get the past data of any business men. In this data, all information includes how much debt they have, is your new client is already a defaulter or not. How much money they browed from the client for doing business.
So Credit Information Report is a lifesaver for you if you are doing business on credit. So do your business smartly, don’t trust everyone came to you for doing the business on credit. Check all the background details before doing any business deals.
What is the major requirement to get register on CreditQ?
As there are no such requirements to register on CreditQ, except one, that you have a GSTN registered company.
How to Generate Credit Information Report from CREDITQ?
In a few easy steps, any businessmen can generate CIR of any businessmen.
- Create an account on CreditQ with Your Company GST No.
- Then log in to your account
- Go to the CIR section in CreditQ Mobile app and click on Request CIR.
- Enter valid GST Number of Businessmen or new clients.
- Click on Request CIR.
It’s that easy, in a few steps you can check the credit information report of any businessmen.
Some businessmen facing an issue that they don’t have the GST number of their business client, for the note GSTN is required to Credit Information Report. Without GSTN, you can’t generate a CIR.