★ अलर्ट ★ CreditQ की सर्विसेज का पेमेंट हमेशा कंपनी अकाउंट Business Alert Infotech Pvt. Ltd. या कंपनी पोर्टल पर पेमेंट गेटवे के द्वारा करें | किसी भी कर्मचारी के पर्सनल अकाउंट में पेमेंट ना करें | ★ Alert ★ Always pay for CreditQ services through the company account Business Alert Infotech Pvt. Ltd. or payment gateway on the company portal. Do not pay into the personal account of any employee

User Manual & Tutorial Video


Are you still confused, how you can register on CREDITQ, Report business credit defaulter or generate the Credit Information Report? To make this process easy, we are proving the User Manual of registration, reporting the defaulters, and generating the CIR. From the below link, the user can access the full guidance of the procedure. Clicking on the below link user can also download the user guide for future process.

How can a user

Register on CREDITQ

How can a user

Report Business Credit

Defaulter on CREDITQ

How can a user generate the

Credit Information Report