★ अलर्ट ★ CreditQ की सर्विसेज का पेमेंट हमेशा कंपनी अकाउंट Business Alert Infotech Pvt. Ltd. या कंपनी पोर्टल पर पेमेंट गेटवे के द्वारा करें | किसी भी कर्मचारी के पर्सनल अकाउंट में पेमेंट ना करें | ★ Alert ★ Always pay for CreditQ services through the company account Business Alert Infotech Pvt. Ltd. or payment gateway on the company portal. Do not pay into the personal account of any employee

Having a good business credit stands beneficial when your business is going through a critical phase. During an emergency, it can help you avail of credit facility and retain your rapport in the market. Not only do you enjoy seamless financial freedom, but your business also flourishes.

If you’ve got a good business credit score and your company credit report is excellent, you need not worry about the future. However, if your business credit score is poor or your commercial credit information report is poor, you’re likely to suffer from business instability. With that said, you can take stern measures to improve your business credit rating.

Here’re a few tips to improve your business credibility and credit rating.

Check your business credit report

If you’ve just started your venture or have been in the market for quite some time, you would know the significance of checking your commercial credit information report. When you make it a habit to check your credit report regularly, you can find out more about your financial performance. If your business credit score is good, you can leverage it to attract potential business prospects. In case your credit report is poor, you can analyze it and know about your shortcomings. It then becomes easy for you to find ways to improve it.

Review credit report of other businesses

It’s equally important to review business credit reports of other businesses. While forming a partnership with a new supplier or vendor, you must check their credit report. You may get to know about their financial dealings concerning payments. It will help you determine if it’s a good idea to go ahead with the partnership.

Pay your dues on time

If you want to build a good credit history, you need to follow sound financial hygiene. It includes paying your dues on time. Do not hold payment for long, and don’t miss it either. If you delay payments or make no payment at all to your vendor, you can be listed as a payment defaulter. When you make it a habit to make timely payments, it gets reflected on your business CIR.

Reduce your existing debt

Paying off your dues on time is one thing. But if you’ve got an ongoing debt cycle, you should pay attention to it and create strategies to pay it off sooner than required. Reduce the debt amount. You can do so by making payments of a high amount and follow the same for the coming months. To do so, you need to stop your unwanted business expenses and save.

Stay away from payment fraud

If your money is stuck with your supplier and you are finding it hard to recover it, you should seek the help of credit information bureaus like CreditQ. It can help you settle payments with your debtors through a streamlined payment settlement process. You can also benefit from its business credit management services that aim at building harmony between a supplier and buyer’s working relationship.